Grasshopper Introduction – Recorded Webinar
EVENT TITLE: Grasshopper Introduction
EVENT TYPE: recorded webinar
LEVEL: basic
GOAL: zero-to-hero learning experience: understanding and mastering algorithmic modelling with Grasshopper
SOFTWARE: Rhinoceros, Grasshopper
PREREQUISITES: basic experience of 3D modeling
LANGUAGE: english
LENGTH: 130 minutes approximately
TUTOR: Arturo Tedeschi
- Algorithmic logic
- Algorithmic modeling with Grasshopper: user interface, components, workflow, basic operations.
- List management
- Surface parametrization
- Numerical sequences, vectors and geometric transformations (translation, rotation, scaling)
- Introduction to Data Tree
- Attractor logic
- Single and multiple attractors applied to a skyscraper’s facade
The recorded webinar “Grasshopper Introduction” is a zero-to-hero learning experience focused on a deep understanding of algorithmic modelling with Grasshopper. Through examples, algorithms, schemes and sketches, student will acquire the ability to generate complex geometries through an accurate control of mathematical and geometrical parameters. The training is intended for students and professionals without any previous experience in algorithmic modelling. Registrants will be able to re-watch it anytime